synergetic, interactive and self-organized E-Learning in medical engineering companies

The goal of this project was the development, implementation and trial of a knowledge communication and learning environment (SISE platform) for manufactures, using the example of the automotive engineering industry and taking advantage of web 2.0-technologies.
Objective target:
The already conventional approaches of e-learning will be extended in different workshops, taking into consideration the concepts of knowledge communication and informal learning (peer-to-peer-learning).Therefore, an information object ontology for the collaboration of the different value-added steps will be developed as a basis for the knowledge communication. This ontology will then be tested with regard to its possibilities of knowledge exchange and organizational learning. In this regard, the idea of user generated contents and the building of communities with web 2.0-technologies will play an important role. An environment enabling knowledge communication and collaborative learning across the different value-added steps will be presented to developers and manufactures of complex products, starting with the example of the medical engineering industry.
The SISE platform:
The platform which should be developed in the context of the SISE project was planned to support processes of knowledge generation and communication at the place of work. It should also help to improve and optimize learning processes on the job by linking learning and working processes as well as improving the learning processes outside, i.e. near the job. The information and knowledge objects within the SISE platform should be a consistent and actual data base directly generated out of the working process. Employees of training departments should be able to directly access these data and use it, for example, for the generation of instructional material for work stations.
Project partners
Topic Area
- Information Management
Research Focus
- Informationslogistik