Writing success story

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Boos becomes Managing Director
Since January 1, 2023, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Boos, MBA, is managing director of FIR e. V. an der RWTH Aachen.

2014 – 2019
Professor Achim Kampker is co-director at FIR
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Achim Kampker, Head of the Department "Production Engineering of E-Mobility Components" (PEM) at the RWTH Aachen, forms since 25th of November together with Professor Schuh the FIR Directorate.

FIR moves into the Smart Logistics cluster building on RWTH Aachen Campus
After 60 years FIR leaves its original location in the heart of the city of Aachen at Pontdriesch and moves into the new Smart Logistics cluster building on RWTH Aachen Campus.

First ground-breaking ceremony for the RWTH Aachen campus
RWTH Rector Professor Ernst Schmachtenberg (second from right) leads the groundbreaking ceremony for RWTH Aachen Campus on February 18, 2010. More than 300 guests take part in the ceremony.
RWTH Aachen Campus: FIR takes over responsibility for the Smart Logistics Cluster
The “RWTH Aachen Campus” reseach campus is taking shape, and FIR has assumed lead responsibility for the Smart Logistics cluster. This is one of the six initial clusters on the research campus, with which this pioneering project for both RWTH and the City of Aachen will be launched.
Extension of th FIR-Edition series
Next to the book series “FIR-Edition Practice”, FIR introduces two new book series: “FIR-Edition Research” and “FIR-Edition Studies”. The “Smart Watts” project is one of six outstanding projects funded by the German government's E-Energy funding program.

Germany's Excellence Initiative to promote top-level research at German universities and research institutions
As part of the Excellence Initiative initiated by the German federal and state governments, methods of “Integrative Production Technology for High-Wage Countries” are being developed in the Aachen Cluster of Excellence.
In the sub-cluster “Individualized Production”, FIR is concerned with the development of a configuration logic for the tailored design of a cross-company production system. In the sub-cluster “Self-Optimizing Production Systems”, FIR deals with the realization and application of cross-company transparency for logistic core variables in value creation networks (High-Resolution Supply Chain Management).

Professor Günther Schuh becomes director of FIR
Professor Günther Schuh, Chair for Production Systems at WZL, is appointed director of FIR.

1997 – 2022
Professor Volker Stich becomes managing director
In 1997, Professor Volker Stich, formerly Sekurit St. Gobain Automotive, becomes managing director of FIR.
In 1998, FIR is one of the first research institutions in Germany to be certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001.

New director and managing director at FIR
Professor Holger Luczak is appointed chair and head of the IAW. At the same time he becomes director of FIR.
Dr. Volker Hornung becomes managing director of FIR. Michael Prym, managing director of the Stolberg-based company William-Prym-Werke, is appointed chairman of the board of FIR e. V.

Professor Walter Eversheim becomes director at FIR
Professor Walter Eversheim, Chair for Production Technology at WZL, is appointed director at FIR.

New institute director and managing director at FIR
Professor Rolf Hackstein is appointed director at FIR and Chair of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics (IAW) Dr. Alfred Borges becomes managing director of FIR.

Director: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joseph Mathieu
Professor Joseph Mathieu, Chair of Labor Sciences, is appointed director of FIR

Foundation of the Research Institute for Industrial Management
The Research Institute for Industrial Management, FIR for short, is founded at RWTH Aachen University.
One of the founding ideas is to bridge the gap between basic research and industrial application.
Newspaper articles. Foundaton of FIR at RWTH Aachen University, July 22nd, 1953 (German)