Information Technology Management
Using Information Technologies in a Benefit-Oriented and Targeted Way
The design of an agile and adaptive company requires the benefit-focused and goal-oriented use of relevant information technologies.
In our age of networked digitalization, agility or the ability to change is an essential competitive factor for companies. This capacity can be achieved and developed through the right use of information technologies. However, the task of technology deployment planning is becoming increasingly difficult due to the changing requirements of business units as well as the dynamics of technology innovation. These aspects require a permanent change in the application landscapes. Information technologies are increasingly taking on a formative role for business processes, products and business models that have to be planned and controlled. This is why information technology management plays an important role in the design of digital, agile and learning companies.

Main Research Areas of the Information Technology Management Division
The creation of benefit-focused technology concepts, the evaluation and planning of technology deployment as well as the evaluation of information technology are the basis for decision-making in the company. The Information Technology Management unit has a broad overview of relevant information technologies for the design of agile, adaptive companies and their intelligent products and can evaluate them with regard to their application-specific potential and technical feasibility. This knowledge is used to systematically design, prototype and validate novel technology solutions for process, business, product and service innovations. Using our expertise and insights, we support companies in the benefit- and target-oriented application of information technologies.
What are the advantages of information management for your company?
Our goal is to optimally support the digitalization of business processes, models and products through the effective use of technology. Taking company-specific requirements into account, we use agile and classical methods to develop technology concepts and strategies and implement these in prototype form. Importantly, we review their feasibility both in theory and in practice. In this way, the usability of information technologies for specific applications can be clearly determined.
Research question
How can digital technologies be selected and used in a benefit-oriented and targeted manner in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes, product and business model development?
Further Information
Recommended reading
FIR Edition Practice “Aachen Digital Architecture Management (ADAM). Your Guide to the Digitally Connected Enterprise”
Position paper “Aachener Digital-Architecture-Management (ADAM®). Wegweiser zum digital vernetzten Unternehmen” [German]
Presentation during the CDO Aachen 2020 [German]
Video “Aachen Digital Architecture Management Modell (ADAM®)”
Other interesting article
„Wie die digitale Transformation gelingt – Mit ADAM® die Leistungsfähigkeit und die Wertbeiträge Ihrer IT-Organisation bestimmen“ [German]
Aachen Digital Architecture Management (ADAM®) – Global IT Harmonization Project with a Professional Education Provider“