Our Network
A Strong Community
Success in research and industry depends to a large extent on one's partners in collaboration. By networking, sharing knowledge and exchanging experiences, we master challenges and achieve our goals. We work together with prestigious partners from research and industry and cultivate relationships with our former employees.
We work in close cooperation with our partner institutes, the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL) at RWTH Aachen University and the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology (IPT), as well as the Institute for Plastics Processing (IKV) in Industry and Trade at RWTH Aachen University, the Institute for Textile Technology at RWTH Aachen University (ITA), the Center for Wind Power Drives (CWD) and the E.ON Energy Research Center.
Aachen, Germany
With the establishment of the Center for Wind Power Drives (CWD), another milestone for the investigation of wind turbines was set in Aachen. The center is equipped with an innovative 4MW system test rig. With this, RWTH intensifies its efforts to research on-shore wind turbines.
Aachen, Germany
Das E.ON ERC ist Teil des Clusters Nachhaltige Energie (Sustainable Energy), welches als eines der sechs ersten RWTH CAMPUS Cluster ins Leben gerufen wurde und von Prof. De Doncker geleitet wird. Ziele des E.ON ERC im RWTH Cluster Nachhaltige Energie sind die Steigerung der Energieeffizienz sowie die Umstellung auf eine nachhaltige Energieerzeugung.
Aachen, Germany
The Fraunhofer Institute for Production Management (IPT) develops one-stop system solutions for manufacturing companies. The institute focuses on process technology, production machinery, mechatronics, production quality and metrology, and technology management.
Aachen, Germany
The Institute for Plastics Processing (IKV) in Industry and Trade at RWTH Aachen University is Europe's leading research and training institute in the field of plastics technology. The IKV is an innovation driver and research partner for the plastics industry. Extensive knowledge and many years of experience in all areas of plastics technology give the IKV a unique position in Germany.
Aachen, Germany
The Institute of Textile Technology (ITA) at RWTH Aachen University is associated with the Chair of Textile Technology in Mechanical Engineering and is headed by Professor Thomas Gries. The ITA is part of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at RWTH and represents the textile-related teaching contents of the field of study "Plastics and Textile Technology in various bachelor's and master's degree programs in Mechanical Engineering at RWTH Aachen University.
Aachen, Germany
The Machine Tool Laboratory (WZL) of RWTH Aachen University works in the field of innovative production technology. With more than 500 employees, the WZL covers the following research areas: Cluster of Excellence, Assembly Technology, Machine Tools, Gear Technology, Manufacturing Technology, Production Metrology and Quality Management and Production Systematics.
The FIR is a scientific founding member of the Johannes Rau Research Association.
- Admission to the Johannes Rau Research Association requires outstanding research on progress topics and the fulfillment of uniform quality standards. The Research Foundation has the legal form of a registered association. In addition to the 13 scientific founding members, the state is another founding member, represented by the Ministry of Science.
(Source: Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research) - The institutes of Johannes-Rau-Forschungsgemeinschaft are institutionally funded by Land NRW.
- Information on the foundation can be found under "The foundation" on the JRF homepage.
In four guiding themes, the scientific institutes of the Johannes Rau Research Foundation accompany and research the transformation from an industrial to a knowledge society:
- Cities & Infrastructure
How can we design livable cities and adequate infrastructures in the face of demographic change and changing demands? - Industry & Environment
How can we make production, logistics and mobility sustainable? - Society & digitalization
What opportunities and challenges does digitalization bring to all areas of our lives, and how can we shape this for the benefit of individuals and society? - Globalization & integration
How can we shape the effects of globalization in a humane way on a local and regional level in different places of the world?
Research projects of the FIR within these guiding themes can be read in the brochure "Research Projects".
For more information on the JRF, please visit jrf.nrw and watch the JRF's explainer video.
The scientific founding members of the Johannes Rau Research Foundation include:
Bonn, Germany
Aachen, Germany
Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Dortmund, Germany
Dortmund, Germany
Essen, Germany
Wuppertal, Germany
Duisburg, Germany
The FIR is a member of the following associations
Groß-Gerau, Germany
Aachen, Germany
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Berlin, Germany
Bremen, Germany
Berlin, Germany
Aachen, Germany
Dortmund, Germany
Berlin, Germany
Brüssel, Belgium
Köln, Germany
Brüssel, Belgium
Ahaus, Germany
Ratingen, Germany
Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Berlin, Germany
Dortmund, Germany
Berlin, Germany
Köln, Germany
Chemnitz, Germany
Düsseldorf, Germany
Köln, Germany
Aachen, Germany
Dorsten, Germany
Tulln, Austria
Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany
Bielefeld, Germany
Dortmund, Germany
Winterthur, Switzerland
Düsseldorf, Germany
Düsseldorf, Germany
Bremen, Germany
Leipzig, Germany
Sittard-Geelen, Netherlands
Heerlen, Netherlands
Den Haag, Netherlands
Zürich, Switzerland
Tampere, Finland
Valencia, Spain
Maastricht, Netherlands

Porto, Portugal
Laxenburg, Germany
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Maastricht, Netherlands
Maastricht, Netherlands
Milano, Italy
Maastricht, Netherlands
Trondheim, Norway
Stellenbosch, South Africa
Monterrey, Mexico
Lissabon, Portugal
Laskut, Finland
Lampertheim, Germany
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Berlin, Germany
Berlin, Germany
Bremen, Germany

Business Performance Index (BPI)
Kassel, Germany
Aachen, Germany
Ansbach, Germany
Aachen, Germany
Berlin, Germany
Aachen, Germany
Venlo, Netherlands
Stuttgart, Germany
Köln, Germany
Köln, Germany
Salach, Germany
Monheim am Rhein, Germany
Aachen, Germany
New York, Russia
Aachen, Germany
Jülich, Germany
Ratingen, Germany
Aachen, Germany
The Fraunhofer Institute for Production Management (IPT) develops one-stop system solutions for manufacturing companies. The institute focuses on process technology, production machinery, mechatronics, production quality and metrology, and technology management.
Magdeburg, Germany
Darmstadt, Germany
Dortmund, Germany
Köln, Germany
Frankfurt, Germany
Stuttgart, Germany
Aachen, Germany
Aachen, Germany
Karlsruhe, Germany
Dorsten, Germany
Aachen, Germany
The Machine Tool Laboratory (WZL) of RWTH Aachen University works in the field of innovative production technology. With more than 500 employees, the WZL covers the following research areas: Cluster of Excellence, Assembly Technology, Machine Tools, Gear Technology, Manufacturing Technology, Production Metrology and Quality Management and Production Systematics.
Roermond, Netherlands
Düsseldorf, Germany
Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, Germany
Unterschleißheim, Germany
Aachen, Germany
Aachen, Germany
Der REGINA e. V. (REGionaler INdustrieclub Informatik Aachen) ist ein unabhängiges Netzwerk für den Bereich ICT in Aachen. Seinen über 100 Mitgliedern aus Wirtschaft, Bildung und Forschung bietet REGINA eine regionale Plattform für den gelebten und erfahrbaren Dialog. Das Netzwerk fördert die Zusammenarbeit zwischen regionaler Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft und informiert im Rahmen von Management-Treffs, Workshops und Arbeitskreisen über aktuelle IT-Themen. Ein großes Anliegen ist die Vermittlung von Fachkräften aus der Region Aachen, in enger Zusammenarbeit mit der RWTH, der FH Aachen und der IHK Aachen sowie mit den regional-ansässigen Unternehmen. Seit nunmehr 25 Jahren bündelt der REGINA e. V. erfolgreich die I&K-Aktivitäten innerhalb der Region.
Düsseldorf, Germany
Aachen, Germany
Aachen, Germany
Köln/Düsseldorf, Germany
Duisburg & Essen, Germany
Möglingen, Germany
Düsseldorf, Germany
Aachen, Germany
Heerlen, Netherlands
Aachen, Germany
Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany
Aachen, Germany
FIR Aachen GmbH is a cross-industry consulting institution that exchanges information intensively with leading research institutions, such as the Research Institute for Rationalization at RWTH Aachen University. FIR Aachen GmbH provides solution-oriented consulting in the areas of service management, information management and production management.
In contrast to many other consulting companies, we directly access studies and market analyses from research and prepare them for industry and operations. For over 15 years, we have thus continuously expanded our knowledge and our consulting services.
Today, FIR Aachen GmbH is regarded, among other things, as an expert for the entire business organization, starting with the design and optimization of production and supply chains, through the development and professionalization of innovative services, to the design and optimization of information flows and technologies inside and outside companies. Through intensive exchange with neutral research institutions, our concepts are vendor-neutral and correspond to current requirements and trends in the industry.

Landescluster NRW
Bringing innovations to market faster
The state government aims to make North Rhine-Westphalia a state of growing economies and high quality of life. Clusters play a special role in this, as they bring innovations to market more quickly by focusing know-how and experience spatially and thematically. The cluster policy of the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia promotes the cooperation of companies, research institutions and the public sector along value chains in a total of 16 industry and technology fields.
The FIR supports the strategy of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia by giving priority to research projects that stem from the range of topics covered by the Excellence NRW Initiative. The results of the projects are also preferably implemented in small and medium-sized enterprises in the region, thus benefiting the state.
The clusters supported by the FIR include:
- Automotive - vehicle construction and suppliers (Autocluster.NRW)
- Health economy and application-oriented medical technologies (CGW.NRW)
- Energy industry and application-oriented energy technology (Energieregion.NRW)
- Information and communication technology (IKT.NRW)
- Logistics - access to the active NRW logistics community (Logistik.NRW)
Mechanical engineering/production technology (Produktion.NRW)
Automotive - vehicle construction and suppliers
As a major driver of innovation, the automotive industry / automobile industry in NRW has the task of being an impulse generator and motor for innovations in many other economic sectors. AutoCluster.NRW sees itself as an information and communication hub for innovations in automotive technology.
It bundles competencies, networks partners in the automotive value chain and in neighboring clusters, connects industry and science, and provides impetus in business and politics through its participation in committees.
Healthcare industry and application-oriented medical technologies
With more than one million employees, the healthcare industry is by far the largest sector in North Rhine-Westphalia. Due to the high growth dynamics, an increase of around 200,000 jobs can be expected in North Rhine-Westphalia in the coming years.
The Healthcare Industry Cluster North Rhine-Westphalia links cluster development in the six healthcare regions of Aachen, Cologne/Bonn, Münsterland, East Westphalia-Lippe, South Westphalia and Metropole Ruhr (as of 10/2010) with cluster development in future fields of the healthcare industry, such as medical technology and the hospital of the future, telemedicine and work and qualification. The focus is on expanding and strengthening the networking of local and regional healthcare players as innovation drivers for the sector.
Energy industry and application-oriented energy technology
The energy policy of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia is oriented toward the goals of economic efficiency, security of supply, and environmental and climate compatibility.
The main task of EnergyRegion.NRW is to network the players in the energy sector along the entire value chain. North Rhine-Westphalia is to remain the most important energy region in Europe in the future. The aim is to further strengthen the national and international positioning of the region and the competence and excellence of the energy sector. The aim is to remain the No. 1 energy state in the future and to make NRW more visible internationally as an excellent energy location.
Information and communications technology
Information and communication technologies (ICT) are a supporting pillar and the most important productivity and growth driver of the North Rhine-Westphalian economy. The IKT.NRW cluster sees itself as an information and communication hub for all players in the ICT growth sector. IKT.NRW networks the partners who work in the various ICT fields or who use cross-sectional technologies in their fields of application and is committed to actively promoting innovation processes.
The FIR currently enriches the cluster activities with the projects:
eStep Mittelstand
Logistics - Access to the active NRW logistics community
For North Rhine-Westphalia as the most important economic and transport state in Germany, efficient logistics is both an internationally outstanding trademark and the economic basis of its own economic strength. The core objective of the cluster activities is to bundle all the forces in the logistics industry in NRW and to further develop NRW into the No. 1 logistics location in Europe.
The FIR currently enriches the cluster activities with the projects:
Mechanical Engineering/Production Technology
In North Rhine-Westphalia, mechanical engineering is the largest industrial employer in the state with more than 190,000 employees and shapes the innovation scene like hardly any other sector. As a supporting pillar of the North Rhine-Westphalian economy and a driver of innovation, mechanical engineering and production technology are to become even stronger through the cluster. ProduktionNRW links companies, institutions and networks along the value chain and contributes to the realization of the vision "NRW - Innovation State Number 1".
The FIR currently enriches the cluster activities with the projects:
Graduiertenkolleg Anlaufmanagement