Smart Mobility

Solutions for the Future of Mobility and Urban Living

Companies and municipalities are facing major challenges in terms of climate and society. Smart Mobility offers them an important opportunity to innovate and meet these challenges. As a competent and trusted partner, Smart Mobility accelerates innovations and develops forward-looking solutions for mobility and living and working in urban areas.

Cities are significantly responsible for global CO2 emissions, especially from road traffic, which accounts for about 20% of CO2 emissions. Switching to renewable energies and alternative fuels alone is not enough to achieve climate targets. That's why we need a new approach based on new forms of mobility and integrated development. This includes a decentralized energy supply, the design of buildings and digital infrastructures, and solutions for energy management. New work models such as Smart Work play an important role in reducing CO2 emissions by up to 10%. They are further driven by the expectations of future generations and the use of AI solutions.

The focus of Smart Mobility is to drive innovation in mobility and urban life through digital connectivity, the advancement of Digital Twin concepts, the use of AI, and the principles of the Circular Economy.

Topics and deliverables include the development of:

  • Open source concepts
  • Standards for lifecycle adaptation of products and solutions
  • Mobility solutions and infrastructures for enterprises
  • Models of the sharing economy
  • Integration concepts for buildings and neighborhoods of the future

Overall, the Smart Mobility group offers companies and municipalities the opportunity to develop and implement innovative solutions for the future of mobility and urban living.