Information management in the sanitary craft for the constitution of optimized business processes

The goal of the research project was to develop an integrated information process model, which would structure and describe central craft order processing steps in a scientifically sound and practical way so that a seamless provision of knowledge would be possible situation-specific and at any time.
The irrigation and drainage in buildings is mainly processed by the sanitary trade field whose complexity is constantly increasing. With the significant increase of the legal regulations and the associated increase in complexity in this area the mostly small craft are overwhelmed of capacitive reasons, so that not all regulations and standards are observed. The goal of the research project was to develop an integrated information process model, which would structure and describe central craft order processing steps in a scientifically sound and practical way so that a seamless provision of knowledge would be possible situation-specific and at any time. An electronic process support should be developed, with the in standards contained relevant information could be made available in a filtered and structured way. In terms of the industry structure an IT solution would be built, which could be operated, maintained and further developed. For this model (such as ASP provider) a viable business model would be designed in the project to enable a sustained transfer into practice.
Topic Area
- Information Management
Research Focus
- Informationslogistik