Digital Stimulation of Hygiene and Optimization Measures for Hospital Operations

The aim of the 'DiSH-O-Klin' research project is to create an improved hygiene situation in medical facilities.
Initial situation
Every year, up to 600,000 patients are infected in German hospitals, resulting in both additional suffering for these people and a considerable economic burden for medical facilities. The costs amount to over 11,000 euros per case of infection.
Solution approach
However, the most effective preventative measure against hospital infections, hand hygiene, requires correct and comprehensive implementation. To support this preventive measure, the 'DiSH-O-Klin' project is developing an intelligently networked incentive and documentation system consisting of smart patient wristbands, name badges and building sensors to continuously monitor the hygiene situation. For example, smart patient wristbands could identify potential hygiene risk areas and use AI technology to adjust room air parameters in a targeted manner.
Expected result
The application of the research results in practice will lead to fewer nosocomial infections and the resulting deaths.
Benefits for the target group
From an economic perspective, the incentive and documentation system will not only shorten hospital stays and reduce antibiotic resistance, but also enable a more targeted use of resources - for example by using AI applications to analyze room air and staff turnover. This can reduce costs and increase revenue for healthcare providers.
Research partners
Project partners
- Medical Engineering
Topic Area
- Service Management
Research Focus
- Subscription Business
FIR Topics
JRF Guiding Topic
- Society & Digitization
Funding no.
13GW0567BFunding information
Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with the specialist program Medical Technology based on a resolution of the German Bundestag under the funding code 13GW0567 (A-E).