SiTra 4.0

Nachhaltige Sicherheitskultur als Transformationsansatz für Industrie 4.0 in KMU

SiTra 4.0 is aimed to develop a transformational approach for the establishment of a sustainable security culture for industry 4.0 in SMEs. This new security culture will be characterized by respect and trust, ethical standards between the actors, freedom, to take risks and to promote the intelligent use of implicit and explicit knowledge in digitized working processes.

Approaches to the digitization of our economy focus on technical solutions and actions to increase productivity. The SiTra 4.0 project expands this perspective by the success factor of participation that is crucial for transformation processes.

Only through simultaneous and explicit consideration of culture and security aspects in a participatory approach the potentials of digitalization or rather industry 4.0 can be developed. A participatory concept of safety culture enables stable and secure cooperation between man and machine and is a prerequisite for the acceptance by employees in companies.

As part of the SiTra 4.0 project, a transformation approach has to be developed which promotes the establishment of a preventive, participatory and communicative concept of security culture as a key success factor for the implementation of industry 4.0 in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The approach will help companies identify resources and barriers, develop a more accurate concept of security culture and take concrete actions to establish it. The target criteria for the strategies and instruments to be developed are the lasting effectiveness, the flexibility and the establishment of an inter-company alliance of prevention on the way to a digitized working environment.


  • Machinery and Plant Engineering

Topic Area

  • Business Transformation

FIR Topics

  • Digital Skills Development
  • Life-Long Learning
  • JRF Guiding Topic

    • Society & Digitization


    Funding no.
    Project homepage
    Funding context
    ESF – Europäischer Sozialfonds für Deutschland
    Funding information

    Financial contribution within the "Future of Work" program as part of the "Innovations for the production, service and work of tomorrow" umbrella program out of the federal budget, Section 30, Chapter 3004, Title 68324, financial year 2017, as well as from the European Social Fund of the European Union (ESF), Promotion period 2014-2020)