Rezept ECM

Modellbasierte Einsatzplanung von Enterprise-Content-Management im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau

Rezept ECM's goal was to help companies in the mechanical and plant engineering industry achieve a holistic ECM concept to meet the current requirements for digitalization. An application-oriented model has been developed as an orientation aid for the establishment of a company-wide ECM concept which takes into account the existing IT landscape and the operational sequences.

An analysis of the use of ECM in machine and plant construction, in which, among other things, typical operational procedures and digital content were examined. Supported by ECM experts, ECM functions were identified and set in relation to the sequences. Based on this, the development of an application-oriented model was carried out in cooperation with practice partners. ECM user types and type-specific application scenarios were identified. These have been translated into a self-assessment tool for the derivation of action recommendations.

A study on the status quo of ECM use in machine and plant construction, an ECM functional map, which visualizes the ECM functions as a function of operational procedures, an application-oriented model that is used to develop a company-wide ECM concept as well as a self-assessment tool that helps companies to assess their own situation and gives them recommendations for action.

Benefits for SMEs:
Through systematic structuring of ECM, SMEs are given an orientation aid for the broadly based ECM market. With the help of the results from the project, SMEs have the opportunity to analyze their own system landscape in a targeted manner with regard to the existing EC potential and to develop a holistic ECM concept for their company effectively and efficiently. The investment risk is reduced and existing potentials are exhausted.


  • Machinery and Plant Engineering

Topic Area

  • Information Management

Research Focus

  • Informationslogistik

JRF Guiding Topic

  • Industry & Environment


Funding no.
19099 N
Funding context
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) aufgrund eines Beschlusses des Deutschen Bundestages
Funding information

The Project was funded by Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) on the basis of a decision of the German Bundestag.