REduce PArk-Search-Time - Reduction of parking search traffic through data fusion to services for short-term parkers (care and delivery services)

Parking traffic represents a considerable part of the municipal traffic volume. Particularly affected are employees who move their vehicles around the city for work reasons and need a parking space for a short period of time. The consequences of this are the re-legal parking of the vehicle in illegal stopping bays, entrances and exits or on the second row of driveways, which in turn causes further traffic disturbances.
The aim of the project is to identify and evaluate necessary data from the existing or selectively expanding infrastructure in order to create a basis for a service that reduces the parking search time for short-term parkers. For this purpose, a catalogue will be compiled listing the relevant public and commercial data as well as their quality criteria for the provision of the service. The targeted development of the data catalogue will be ensured by a prototype application, which will demonstrate the first customer-centered functionalities of the service.
Project partners
Topic Area
- Business Transformation
Research Focus
- Business Transformation Management
JRF Guiding Topic
- Cities & Infrastructure
Funding no.
VB18F1020BFunding information
Im Rahmen der Forschungsinitiative mFUND fördert das BMVI seit 2016 Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekte rund um datenbasierte digitale Anwendungen für die Mobilität 4.0. Neben der finanziellen Förderung unterstützt der mFUND mit verschiedenen Veranstaltungsformaten die Vernetzung zwischen Akteuren aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Forschung sowie den Zugang zum Datenportal mCLOUD. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter