
Service Release Management

The aim of this research project was the development of a service release management system, which allows SMEs to systematically identify the necessary changes to their AS-services in the small-scale production of mechanical engineering and to implement these efficiently in a service release.

Service release management enables decisive competitive advantages

To date, there is no system for identifying and bundling changes to after-sales services, which is why they are generally recorded in an unstructured manner and are carried out ad hoc. This results in non-uniform versions of the service, which prevents comparative performance and quality measurement.

Only the establishment of a company-wide service release management system enabled the systematic identification of necessary changes to after-sales services. This enables service releases to be carried out efficiently and individually, without compromising the comparability and performance of their own services. In order to implement a successful service release management in the enterprise, the internal and external influences of all stakeholders involved in the process have to be recorded and evaluated.

Development of a guide for systematic after-sales service provision

There is currently no standardized procedure for recording and evaluating possible influences on service release management. Due to a lack of resources, the introduction of a service release management is particularly difficult for SMEs.

Within the scope of the research project, a guide for the systematic introduction of a service release management has been developed. In order to facilitate a wide distribution and easy application, the developed guide was also displayed in a software tool.


  • Machinery and Plant Engineering

Topic Area

  • Service Management

Research Focus

  • Service Excellence

FIR Topics

  • Transformation Management
  • JRF Guiding Topic

    • Industry & Environment


    Funding no.
    19548 N
    Project homepage
    Funding information

    The IGF project 19548 N of the research association FIR e.V. at RWTH Aachen was funded by the AiF within the framework of the program for the promotion of industrial community research and development (IGF) by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi) on the basis of a decision of the German Bundestag.