Methodology for the modularization of complex developement activities of services in industrial services

Goal of this project is the development of a methodology for designing process toolboxes and standardizing value creation processes based on optimized cost-/benefit ratios for the industrial services industry. By means of the project results especially small and medium-sized companies should be enabled to increase the efficiency of their value creation processes systematically. The results should support companies to select and implement measures for increasing efficiency based on cost-/benefit rations of measures.
>>> Hint: Within the German version of the project description you can download the tool (see paragraph "Download des Tools").
Project description
The main goal of the project MeProLI is to develop a methodology which enables especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) from the industrial service industry to standardize their value creation processes (esp. inspection, maintenance, repair, modernization, installation and technical cleansing) focussing on cost-/benefit ratios as well as design value creation processes out of a standardized process toolboxes.
The methodology will comprise multiple methods, tools and models. A descriptive model for processes will enable SME to capture their existing value creation processes systematically and derive suitable measures for standardization based on respective descriptions. By means of a calculation method SME will be able to determine costs and benefits of individual standardization methods and thus make financially sensible decisions regarding process standardization. Standardized processes will be divided into process building blocks and joined into a process toolbox. This toolbox will enable SME to quickly design and offer new services and estimate process costs, in order to design sustainable price regimes.
In order to ensure the usability of the project results by third parties a project handbook will be prepared, which comprises all methods, tools and models and instructions how to use them. Further, all project results will be implemented in an Android app, which offers the project handbook content in a user-friendly way.
Under supervision of DIN e.V. and with participation of project partners and interested third parties a DIN SPEC will be developed based on the project results.
All (partial) results of the project will be validated with project partners continuously and published through suitable dissemination channels. Thus, both practicability and accessibility to the results will be ensured.
Project partners
- AKL Industrieservice GmbH, Mülheim an der Ruhr
- Cleanfix Industrieservice GmbH, Stolberg
- d.velop AG, Gescher
- Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN) e. V., Berlin
- Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, Düsseldorf
- Horst Götz GmbH & Co. KG, Mülheim an der Ruhr
- Industrie- und Handelskammer Aachen (IHK), Aachen
- Industrie Service Rhein-Ruhr GmbH, Duisburg
- Kundendienst-Verband Deutschland e. V. (KVD), Dorsten
- RNO Reinigungsservice Nord GmbH & Co. KG, Bremen
- Rimböck & Söhne GmbH, Gelsenkirchen
- SCHRADER Apparatebau GmbH, Ennigerloh
- StädteRegion Aachen, Aachen
- Wirtschaftsverband für Industrieservice e. V., Düsseldorf
- YNCORIS GmbH & Co. KG, Hürth
- Zentis GmbH & Co. KG, Aachen
- Energy/Water/Disposal/Recycling
- Building Services Engineering
- Machinery and Plant Engineering
Topic Area
- Service Management
Research Focus
- Service Excellence
FIR Topics
Funding no.
19388NFunding information
This research and development project is funded by the "Allianz von Forschungsvereinigungen (AiF)" within the program "Förderung der industriellen Gemeinschaftsforschung und -entwicklung (IGF)" by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (support code: 19388N).
Further information
Innovatorenpreis für das Forschungsprojekt MeProLI
DIN SPEC 91404:2020-03 "Leitfaden zur Standardisierung von Instandhaltungsprozessen"
UdZForschung-Artikel "Entwicklung einer Methodik zur Gestaltung von Prozessbaukästen und Standardisierung der Leistungserstellungsprozesse"
UdZ-Artikel "Steigerung der Dienstleistungsproduktivität durch Synchronisation"