Future INternEt Smart Utility ServiCEs

The objective of FINESCE was to:
Transform Energy infrastructures towards Smart Energy systems by trialling network enabled applications using common functionality provided by Fi-WARE, developing novel service layer enhancements encapsulated in the FINESCE-API, and by enabling the development of innovation opportunities for ICT and Utility actors as well as in the community providing public services.
FINESCE (Future INtErnet Smart Utility ServiCEs) was the smart energy use case project of the 2nd phase of Future Internet Public Private Partnership (FI-PPP) program funded by the European Union within FP7.
From 2013 until 2015, FINESCE contributed to the development of an open IT-infrastructure to be used to develop and offer new app-based solutions in all fields of the Future Internet. The project organised and ran a series of field trials at trial sites in 7 European countries.
Change is the name of the game in energy! The shift to sustainability is visible everywhere. It is now a European priority to combine solutions which utilise energy generation from renewable energy sources and optimize energy usage efficiency into a Smart Energy System based on the introduction of Future Internet technologies. At the same time, business innovation needs to be encouraged to ensure that job creating SME’s can thrive in the new energy eco-system. FINESCE organised and ran user trials in 7 European countries, building on investments of billions of Euro, addressing efficient energy usage in residential and industrial buildings, developing a new prosumer energy marketplace, building a cross-border private virtual power plant, and using electric vehicles as an element of demand response systems, enabling energy providers to move from reactive to pro-active energy network management by providing them with Future Internet ICT, enabling them to better balance volatile solar and wind energy generation with demand for energy. The FINESCE trials proved the practical applicability of Future Internet technologies and the FI-WARE Generic Enablers to the challenges of the energy sector. FINESCE developed an active community of innovative SME’s, preparing them for the exploitation of the emerging business opportunities in energy, creating jobs, social impact and economic growth. FINESCE built on and extended the results of the FI-PPP FINSENY project to realise sustainable real time smart energy services. The consortium included globally leading energy and ICT operators, manufacturers and service providers and outstanding research organisations and SME’s, from 12 countries, contributing directly to tightly focused trials and business innovation. It had the scale and scope to ensure that the FINESCE results drive the FI-WARE and Future Internet success and long-term exploitation internationally.
Student Case Competition
For further information about the Student Case Competition please visit the following website or take a look at our flyer about the Case Competition.
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Project partners
- Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG, Stuttgart
- Alstom UK, London, Großbritannien
- B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH, Hamburg
- Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A., Rom, Italy
- Ericsson GmbH, Düsseldorf
- honeywell international inc., Morristown, Russia
- Insero Horsens, Horsens, Denmark
- QSC AG, Köln
- Telekomunikacja Polska SA, Serwis, Germany
- Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Ireland
Topic Area
- Information Management