Engineering and mainstreaming of learning-friendly industrial work systems for the industry 4.0

Within the BMBF funded project ELIAS an approach to the design and configuration of learning friendly work and production systems will be developed. In doing so the objective is to provide service as well as manufacturing companies a universal approach, which also takes the external economic, technological and social conditions into account.

One of the most important challenges for the future design of work and production systems will be the creation of suitable concepts for the corporate development of employees’ skills and competencies by applying new forms of learning on the job as well as by utilizing latest information and communication technologies. By these concepts innovativeness, productivity and competitiveness of German companies can be improved.

The ELIAS-approach will provide for the first time an instrument for designing and restructuring work and production processes, which incorporates the learning-friendly setup already in the process of work systems development and allows for a continuous optimization of these work systems. The result aimed at will be work and production systems which enable employees’ competencies and skills to grow and overall productivity to increase at the same time.

By actively addressing the demographic change, the ELIAS-approach will contribute to the development and securing of competencies and skills throughout the entire professional career of employees as well as the focusing of new target groups for vocational education.

Accordingly, the decision makers, who are involved in the design of work and production systems will receive recommendations for the application of learning methods and learning technologies as well as their prospective impacts on employees’ qualifications and corporate productivity. In addition to that the ELIAS community, which constitutes a platform fostering the exchange of information of experts and decision-makers in this field will be set up. Thus the development and continuous improvement of the "ELIAS-approach" can be ensured.


  • Machinery and Plant Engineering
  • Transport and Logistics

Topic Area

  • Business Transformation
  • Service Management

FIR Topics

  • Digital Skills Development
  • Life-Long Learning
  • Projectinfos

    Funding no.
    Funding information

    Entwicklung eines Ansatz für die Gestaltung von Produktions- und Arbeitssystemen, der die Lernförderlichkeit als elementaren Bestandteil bereits im Entstehungsprozess einplant und die kontinuierliche Verbesserung in Bezug auf die Lernförderlichkeit sicherstellt.

    Further information
