CEN Horizontal European Service Standardisation Strategy

The project aim of CHESSS was to facilitate the provision of services through the development of European standard structured and based of universal processes in the whole European Union.
The British Standards Institution (BSI) is leading a consortium of national standards bodies (NSBs) to determine the feasibility of horizontal service standardization. The underlying concept of this initiative is that there are fundamental principles of good service, delivery and assessment that will be applicable to any service offering no matter what the sector or its primary focus. The CHESSS mission was to facilitate the delivery of services across the European Union through the development of European Standards structured on generic principles.
Project partners
- Danish Standards (DS), Charlottenlund, Denmark
- Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN) e. V., Berlin
- Estonian Centre for Standardisation (EVS), Pelgulinn, Estonia
- European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Brüssel, Belgium
- Management Systems und Umweltgutachter Deutschland GmbH (BSI), Hanau
- Nationale Normalisatie-Instituut (NEN), Delft, Netherlands
- Spanish Association for Standardisation and Certification (AENOR), Madrid, Spain
29.12.2006 – 28.06.2008