UdZ 03.23 / 71 KomiD: Managing the Complexity of the Service Offering This Makes the Range of Services Efficiently Manageable The service revolution and increasing individualization make it essential for companies to constantly expand their service portfolios. At the same time, however, this reduces the clarity of the portfolio and results in costs that have a direct or indirect long-term impact on companies' balance sheets. At the beginning of our KomID project, the biggest drivers of complexity were identified and validated in a questionnaire study. In the next step, possible solutions were developed. To solve these problems and respond to the complexity drivers, initial approaches such as AI-guided responses to support requests have already been adopted. Together with the Research Institute for Corporate Management, Logistics and Production at the Technical University of Munich, FIR is researching these solutions in the project ‘KomiD - Complexity Management of Industrial Service Systems’. >
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