UdZ 03.23 / 67 If you have any questions about the project, please feel free to contact me. Project Title: DM4AR – Datenmanagement for Augmented Reality Funding/Promoters: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF); Projektträger Karlsruhe – PTKA Funding no.: 100456839 Research Partner: oculavis GmbH, Software AG, thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions AG, TOP Mehrwert-Logistik GmbH & Co. KG, YNCORIS GmbH & Co. KG Website: dm4ar.fir.de Florian Schuldt, M.Sc. Project Manager Department Service Management FIR e. V. at RWTH Aachen University Phone: +49 241 47705-227 Email: Florian.Schuldt@fir.rwth-aachen.de Literature: Frank, J.; Holst, L.; Müller, D.; Leiting, T.: Aachener Subscription-Business. Monetarisieren Sie die Nutzungsphase Ihrer Produkte. Die sechs Erfolgsprinzipien. FIR e. V. an der RWTH Aachen, Aachen 2021. https://epub.fir.de/frontdoor/deliver/index/docId/1638/file/EP_Subscription-Business.pdf (Link zuletzt geprüft: 28.06.2023) Hermann, U.: Digitalisierung im Industrieunternehmen. Die Chancen der digitalen Ökonomie der Dinge erkennen, entwickeln und erfolgreich umsetzen. Apprimus, Aachen 2019. Liu, Y.; Gützlaff, A.; Cremer, S.; Grbev, T.; Schuh, G.: Design of Tailored Subscription Business Models – A Guide for Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers. In: Production at the leading edge of technology. Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the German Academic Association for Production Technology (WGP). Hrsg.: B.-A. Behrens; A. Brosius; W. Hintze; S. Ihlenfeldt; J.-P. Wulfsberg. Dresden, 23. – 24.09.2020. Springer, Berlin [u. a.] 2021, S. 717 – 727. Schuh, G.: Das Unmögliche wagen: Kann die BWL das Unterstützen? Fallbeispiel des Deep Tech Start-Ups e.GO Mobile. In: Die Unternehmung 75 (2021) 2, S. 309 – 318. Schuh, G.; Wenger, L.; Stich, V.; Hicking, J.; Gailus, J.: Outcome Economy: Subscription Business Models in Machinery and Plant Engineering. In: Procedia CIRP 93, S. 599 – 604. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2020.04.146. Staudacher, J.: Kundenorientierung. Grundlagen, Modelle und Best Practices für eine erfolgreiche Transformation. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2021. Tzuo, T.; Weisert, G.: Subscribed. Why the subscription model will be your company's future – and what to do about it. Portfolio/Penguin, New York [u. a.] 2018. lich ist, entscheiden insbesondere Unternehmen. Hierfür wird es notwendig sein, bisher geltende Grundsätze des Unternehmenserfolgs zu hinterfragen und gegebenenfalls neu zu definieren. sl · ab1 Projects such as DRivE and DiSerHub, for example, serve to integrate technology, data orientation and sustainability. In the DRivE project, technical solutions are being developed for eco-efficient, data-based longdistance transport with trucks that use alternative drive systems. This contributes to environmental sustainability and at the same time increases the economic efficiency of transport companies. The DiSerHub project focuses on improving and making more sustainable use of automobiles through services and digital business models. The establishment of an information platform that supports the transfer of knowledge and networking of players in the automotive industry will promote a sustainable transformation process. Companies in particular will decide whether it is possible to successfully and satisfactorily answer the questions posed at the beginning of this section. For this purpose, it will be necessary to question previously valid principles of corporate success and, if necessary, to redefine them.
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