UdZ 03.22 / 107 INEDIT: RevenueModel for a Co-Creation Platform in the Furniture Sector Today, the furniture industry tends to produce low-cost furniture in serial production, offering low-quality products characterized by short life cycles. Strong competition drives smaller companies out of the market, and offerings which allow product customization, making it possible to accommodate different living styles and situations, are increasingly taking a backseat. There are a number of providers for those who desire individualized, innovativeand sustainablefurniture, but theyoftendonotmeet all customer requirements, who arefacedwith longdeliverytimes, high prices, and lowcustomer involvement.Against this backdrop, the EU project INEDIT aims to develop a platformwhich makes it possible to produce and offer custom-made, innovative, and sustainable pieces of furniture at a fair price. Followinga "do-it-together" approach, a businessecosystem is beingdeveloped that creates value not only for customers, but also for designers, suppliers, and manufacturing companies. This novel form of collaboration requires to rethink revenue models and to create incentives for the collaborative use of the platform.The goal is to ensure a strategic fit between platform users and appropriate business models and to optimize the use of the platform for all stakeholders. > 2
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