UdZ 3-2013

15 Unternehmen der Zukunft 3/2013 UdZ FIR-Forschungsprojekte integrated methodologies, the steps and gates as well as the interfaces will be provided on SustainValue website within the next months. Conclusion and future steps The present development framework delivers a good starting point to get awareness about the complex development procedures for a sustainable solution. The Framework gives a guideline for com- panies and reveals tasks which must be addressed. Further it supports companies in implementing an efficient development procedure. As mentioned above, the surface of the framework can optionally be used as a surface for recording and modelling the internal companies’ process to identify gaps and missing interfaces. The Framework as a guideline as well as a tool for process modelling was tested and validated with different partners of the SustainValue consortium. The framework is a guideline for companies which are starting with the development of new sustainable solutions. The different paths and combinations of methods within the framework can be configured manually by each company. Future work within the research project will be the identification of applicable and suitable tools which enhance the different me- thodologies within the development framework . Literatur [1] Brenken, B.; Gudergan, G.: Fakten und Trends im Service. Klinkenberg, Aachen 2010. [2] Institut der deutschenWirtschaft Köln Consult GmbH (IW Consult): Zukunft industrieller Wertschöpfung: Hybridisierung. Hg. v. vbw Vereinigung der bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V., München 2011. [3] Tukker, A.; Tischner, U.: New Business for Old Europe: Product-Service Development, Competitiveness and Sustainability. Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing, 2006, p. 24. [4] Grefrath, C.; Wagner, D.; Gamerschlag, H.; Schreiber, V.: D3.1 Definition of requirements of the new solutions development methodo- logy including a description of the complexity of sustainable solutions; deliverable 3.1 of SustainValue Project, 2012; available on: http://www.sustainvalue.eu/publications.htm. [5] Valkokari, P.; Valkokari, K.; Reunanen, M.; Grefrath, C.: D3.2 Analysis of the existing methodologies supporting innovation and solution engineering; deliverable 3.1 of SustainValue Project, 2012; available on: http://www.sustainvalue.eu/publications.htm. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Dirk Wagner (li.) FIR, Bereich Dienstleistungsmanagement Fachgruppe Service-Engineering Tel.: +49 241 47705-241 E-Mail: Dirk.Wagner@fir.rwth-aachen.de Dipl.-Ing. Christian Grefrath (re.) FIR, Bereich Dienstleistungsmanagement Fachgruppe Service-Engineering Leiter Competence-Center Services Tel.: +49 241 47705-234 E-Mail: Christian.Grefrath@fir.rwth-aachen.de Sie finden das FIR auch bei Facebook, XING, Twitter und YouTube! facebook.fir.de xing.fir.de twitter.fir.de youtube.campus-cluster-logistik.de Aktuelle Nachrichten aus dem FIR finden Sie auch auf unserer Internetseite unter der Rubrik „Presse": www.fir.rwth-aachen.de/presse

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