UdZ 3-2013

14 Unternehmen der Zukunft 3/2013 UdZ Dienstleistungsmanagement solutions. During the whole life cycle of the new solutions occur plenty of sustainability potentials, beginning from the design phase, up to the ope- ration phase until the recycling or re-usage phase of the product. To gain these potentials interfaces to all involved engineers or other stakeholders are needed. On the one hand the framework sup- ports companies to get an overview of different task. On the other hand the framework provides different methodologies and identified interfaces between different approaches to manage the complexity. Further the framework can be used as a tool to support companies in identifying missing interfaces in their own development procedures. The development framework is a matrix consi- sting of two axes. The horizontal axis illustrates the different life cycle perspectives which are the idea, the concept, the implementation and the market phase. On the vertical axis the different activities of the relevant stakeholders, here called dimensions are described (see figure 1). Existing methodologies support sustainable development at operational level but descripti- on on how to set strategic objectives and how to adapt the chosen business model are partly missing. Therefore the dimensions are clustered in three groups that are named central initiation as well as conceptual and operational dimension. Within the central initiation dimension strategic activities that integrate the sustainability idea into the development process are dealt with. The strategy and the business model development are essential tasks to be done during the idea and concept phase of a new solution. Simultaneously, in iterative steps products, services and tech- nologies are combined and designed to new solutions (PSS) within the conceptual dimension. An intensive communication and an iterative adaption between the value proposition and the activities within the dimension central initiation are needed. However it does not matter in which dimensions good ideas occur. But the correct and standardized communication of this idea is highly important to avoid contrary developments. The operation dimension covers all activities of stakeholders that act during the life cycle more operationally. To these tasks belong the sour- cing planning, the manufacturing planning, the distribution and logistical planning, the supply of services and parts as well as the end-of-life and recycling planning. For the tasks within the different dimensions of the framework, existing methodologies are described and structured into steps and gates. Beside this combination of different methodologies, several important inter- faces were also identified and described. Figure 2 illustrates an overview of the development framework. The magenta coloured arrow repre- sents the theoretical path through all dimensions. This means that the sustainability potentials were addressed on all different levels of the compa- ny. This theoretical path does not mean that it must be or will be passed through completely in real business environment. The yellow arrow represents one possible path which describes how entrepreneurships can gain sustainability potentials in a case by case decision, depending on their businesses. Detailed information to the Figure 2: Overview of the development framework

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