UdZ 3-2013

13 Unternehmen der Zukunft 3/2013 UdZ FIR-Forschungsprojekte SustainValue Life-cycle-based development framework for sustainable solutions TheEU-fundedproject SustainValuedealswithnewchallenges andopportunities that sustainability offers tomanufacturers. Apart fromdesigning industrialmodels andperformance standards, tools andmethods are developed to support companies in carryingout their businessmore sustainable. This article illustrates a development framework which structures different tasks during the de- velopment process of sustainable solutions. More than ever it is crucial to consider sustainability impact of new value propositions. Managers and engineers have to take into account several requirements fromdifferent perspectives and have tomanage simultaneously a complex process when designing their prospective portfolio. Therefore different methodology approaches were analysedduringtheSustainValueproject andaholisticdevelopment frameworkcombingapplicable approaches were developed. This article introduces and describes the Development Framework. Motivation Unique solutions or product service systems (PSS), which integrate services and products into a high value offering, dominate markets. Innovative PSS are regarded to be the crucial factor for competitive strength [1; 2]. This is why the development phase of a solution is becoming more relevant, as this phase is most likely causal for effects in the following phases of a life cycle. The economic costs of a life cycle are only one impact to mention. Supplementary impacts arise from the environmental and social dimensions of sustainability, recognizing that these impacts occur at all stages in the life cycle, including during customer use. A sustainable solution or Product- Service-System (PSS) is defined as a combination of tangible products and intangible services to fulfil individual customer needs, while causing minimal negative environmental and social impact in the process of maximizing economic added value [3]. The development of such PSS is a challenging and complex process which integrates different actors and affects a lot of different stakeholders. So a structuring approach describing the different tasks for different dimensions of a company is needed. The way to the holistic Development Framework within SustainValue The overall goal of the work package 3 of the SustainValue project is to create a methodology for the creation of sustainable solutions within a network or within a company. The framework (representing the methodology) will support companies in developing new sustainable solu- tions. In literature, there can be identified a lot of development methodologies which describe how to develop new products or services. Even approaches which delineate the development of sustainable solutions can be found [4]. However the different approaches concentrate on different focuses of the development procedure. Some approaches like the product development ap- proaches are very technical related. Most service development methodologies are very conceptual. Other approaches focus only on the sustainability aspect but neglect other important issues. To structure these different approaches and to take up the challenge to create a holistic development framework, specific requirements from different perspectives were defined in the first deliverable of work package 3 [4]. Afterwards the defined requirements were matched with existing ap- proaches to identify existing gaps in the second deliverable of the work package [5]. Both deli- verables are available on www.sustainvalue.eu for detailed information. The development Framework When new, sustainable solutions are designed plenty of actors in a network (including internal and/or external actors) are affected by the new Figure 1: Matrix structure of the framework Projekttitel SustainValue Projekt-/ Forschungsträger Europäische Union (FP7 – NMP) Förderkennzeichen 262931 Projektpartner Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT); Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI); Cambridge University (CU); Center of Industrial Asset Management at University of Stavanger (UiS); The German Institute for Standardization (DIN); FIDIA; Riversimple (LLP); CLAAS Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen GmbH; ELCON Solution Oy Ansprechpartner Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Dirk Wagner Internet www.sustainvalue.eu

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