UdZ 02.23 / 33 The potential of 5G is obvious, not only as a key technology for digital transformation, but also, in particular, as an enabler of a digitalized economy. The vision for 5G presented below combines information and application requirements at industrial 5G interfaces with IoT applications and complementary services. For the first time, applications placing high demands on wireless transmission technologies can be connected to an IoT platform by incorporating 5G as a communication interface in IoT platforms. This article reflects the current industry sentiment regarding the incorporation of 5G as a catalyst of IoT platforms. We analyze how 5G integration into existing IoT platforms can succeed and what opportunities this will bring in the future. As a result, we present five potential benefits of 5G on IoT platforms, on which we base our vision of a 5G platform concept. > 5G as an Opportunity for the IoT Platforms of the Future A Projected Vision
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