SPECTRUM – APPLIED RESEARCH 74 / UdZ 02.22 the project presented here are also available in the form of detailed process descriptions on the project website at: sewguide-en.fir.de. Further project outcomes, such as a decision model for evaluating individual development , will be published in a final report at the end of September and also be described on the project website. The challenges identified in the project invite further investigation in a future research project. An outline for the “SewMentor” (working title) project has already been developed, which sets out how expert support for individually tailored learning paths will be further explored in the context of a more comprehensive “remote academy” and involving modern coaching concepts for experts. The SewGuide intelligent teaching assistant provides the trainee with real-time data to improve the sewing process for protective clothing With the help of the degree of difficulty-value creation matrix, teaching and learning content is structured in order to tailor it to the trainee’s progress and level of expertise. ke ren „Remote-Akademie“ und moderner Coachingkonzepte durch Experten weiter untersucht wird. Der intelligente Lernassistent SewGuide spiegelt dem Lehrling Echtzeitdaten zur Verbesserung des sicherheitsrelevanten Nähprozesses wider Mithilfe der Schwierigkeits-Wertschöpfungs-Matrix werden Lerninhalte strukturiert, um sie für den weiteren Einsatz nach Lehrfortschritt und Expertise-Grad korrekt auszurichten. ke If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Sebastian Kremer. Project Title: SewGuide Funding/Promoters: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF); Projektträger Karlsruhe – PTKA Funding no.: 02K19K013 Project Partner: Formitas AG; S-GARD® Schutzkleidung | Hubert Schmitz GmbH; Tinkerforge GmbH Website: sewguide.fir.de & sewguide-en.fir.de This project is funded by the German Federal Ministry offor Education and Research under the funding code 02K19K013. Sebastian Kremer, M.Sc. Head of Research Unit Information Technology Management Department Information Management FIR e. V. at RWTHAachen University Phone: +49 241 47705-515 Email: Sebastian.Kremer@fir.rwth-aachen.de
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