UdZ 01.21

UdZ 1-2021 / 92 TRUST: The Winning Formula for Digital Leaders. A Practical Guide for Companies Engaged in Digital Transformation Mugge, P.; Abbu, H.; Gudergan, G. Patterns of Digitalization Lab ISBN: 978-1-7363784-0-3 Preis: 12,99 Euro supported by Ruben Conrad, Gerrit Hoeborn & Alexander Kwiatkowski » fir.rwth-aachen.de/newsroom/publikationen/publikationen-mit-fir-beteiligung We know you are thinking, I am not the CEO, or even the Chief Digital Officer, I just work in the ranks of my organization, so how can this book help me? Due to a set of existential threats, like the global pandemic, all businesses are frantically trying to remake themselves into being digital businesses. Digital transformation is taking the world by storm - and everyone in the organization is, or will be, touched by it. ZUKUNFTSSICHER: So geht Innovation an der Schnittstelle von Wirtschaft und Versicherung As a company, breaking new ground with innovation is always associated with risks. What options are there for dealing with these risks and securing the innovative strength that is essential for the economy and society in a future-oriented manner? As one of the leading in- ternational insurance brokers and risk consultants in Europe, Funk brings together selected expert authors from the insurance industry in ZUKUNFTSSICHER to provide answers to these questions. Hrsg.: Murmann Publishers GmbH ISBN: 978-3-86774-690-8 Preis: 32,00 Euro » shop.murmann-verlag.de/de/item/zu- kunftssicher-anja-funk-muenchmeyer (Text hier entnommen am 28.04.2021)

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