UdZ 1-2012

92 Unternehmen der Zukunft 1/2012 UdZ Produktionsmanagement Hrsg.: Wolfgang Schwetz. Verlag Schwetz Consulting, Karlsruhe 2011, 46 S. • Schürmeyer, Maik; Schenk, Michael; Hering, Niklas: Lieferkettenplanung in der Konsumgüterindustrie. IT & Production (2011)10, S. 36. • Schuh, Günther; Stich, Volker; Brosze, Tobias; Fuchs, Sascha; Pulz, Christian; Quick, Jerome; Schürmeyer, Maik; Bauhoff, Fabian: High resolution supply chain management: optimized processes based on self- optimizingcontrol loopsandrealtimedata.Production Engineering – Research and Development 5(2011)4, S. 433 - 442. • Schuh, Günther; Helmig, Jan: Logistiknetzwerke nachhaltig gestalten - Bewertung des Einsatzes von Logistikkonzepten mit Hilfe eines öko-effizienten Kennzahlensystems. ZwF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftli- chen Fabrikbetrieb 106(2011)9, S. 626 - 629. • Thomassen, Peter; Ansorge, Boris;Wienholdt, Henrik: Creating synergies in the aftermarket : Using the service network analysis for designing wind energy service networks. In: Konferenzunterlagen zu EWEA 2011, Europe‘s Premier Wind Energy Event am 14. März 2011 in Brüssel, Belgien. Vorträge/Konferenzbeiträge • Brosze, Tobias; Schürmeyer, Maik; Bauhoff, Fabian; Hering, Niklas; Quick, Jerome: High Resolution Production Control by Real Time Information. In: Conference Proceedings ICE 2011 17th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising vom 20. - 22. Juni 2011 in Aachen, S. 530 - 536. • Budde, Oliver; Golovatchev, Julius D.: PLM Audit in the Telecommunication Industry. In: Conference Proceedings ICE 2011 17th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising vom 20. - 22. Juni 2011 in Aachen, S. 267 - 276. • Cuber, Stefan; Kompa, Stefan; Runge, Simone; Schmidt, Carsten: Standard Business Processes for Inter-Company Order Management. In: Konferenzunterlagen zur International Conference Advances in Production Management Systems - Valuable Networks: Innovation, Technology and Management am 26. Sept. 2011 in Stavanger (Norwegen). Hrsg. : Jan Frick; EinarMarnburg. S. 1 - 8. • Fluhr, Jonas; Lutz, Theo: Use Case Types for Communication with and for Electric Vehicles (EV). In: Conference Proceedings ICE 2011 17th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising vom 20. - 22. Juni 2011 in Aachen, S. 286 - 291. • Frombach, Ralf; Grefrath, Christian; Gudergan, Gerhard: Big idea vs. future uncertainty: Boost innovation perspectives. In: Konferenzband 'The 12th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence inManagement' am2. Juni 2011 in Ithica, New York, USA. Hrsg.: Bo van der Rhee und Liana Victorino, Verlag Cayuga Press, S. 434 - 443. • Helmig, Jan; Bauhoff, Fabian; Brosze, Tobias; Kraut, Andreas: Sustainable Logistic Concepts in Networks: Evaluating the Implementation of Logistic Concepts with regard to Sustainability. In: Konferenzunterlagen zum World Congress on Engineering and Technology (CET 2011) am 28. Okt. 2011 in Shanghai, China. • Hesmer, Alexander; Trebels, Jörg; Wiesner, Stefan; Brenken, Benedikt; Thoben, Klaus-Dieter: Introducing a co-creative Innovation Environment for Extended Products. In: Conference Proceedings ICE 2011 17th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising vom 20. - 22. Juni 2011 in Aachen, S. 175 - 182. • Kompa, Stefan: Changeable Production Systems in the Machinery and Equipment Industry. Success Factors: IT-Integration and Real-Time Capable Production Planning and Control. In: Conference Proceedings ICE 2011 17th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising vom 20. - 22. Juni 2011 in Aachen, 19 S. • Naß, Eric; Scheibmayer, Marcel: Defining a Research Framework for the Business Impact of Data Management. In: Conference Proceedings ICE 2011 17th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising vom 20. - 22. Juni 2011 in Aachen, S. 65 - 72. • Scheibmayer, Marcel; Nass, Eric; Oedekoven, Dirk: Measuring business effects based on data and information quality management efforts. In: Konferenzunterlagen eChallenges e-2011 am 26. Sept. 2011 in Florence, Italy. IIMC International Information Management Corporation Ltd. • Schuh, Günther; Thomassen, Peter; Gudergan, Gerhard: Designing Cooperation Concepts for Service Networks. In: Conference Proceedings ICE 2011 17th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising vom 20. - 22. Juni 2011 in Aachen, S. 184 - 190. • Schuh, Günther; Schiffer, Michael; Potente, Till; Brosze, Tobias; Bauhoff, Fabian; Karmann, Oliver: Developing a Production Engineering Based Theory of Production. In: Conference Proceedings ICE 2011 17th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising vom 20. - 22. Juni 2011 in Aachen, S. 469 - 477. • Schuh, Günther; Schmitt, Robert; Aryobsei, Abassin; Bohl, Arne; Hienzsch, Martin; Quick, Jerome: Integrative Standardisation - Theoretical Model and Empirical Investigation of German Toolmaking Firms. In: Conference Proceedings ICE 2011 17th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising vom 20. - 22. Juni 2011 in Aachen, S. 514 - 521. • Stich, Volker: Führen - Strategische Erfolgsoptionen erkennen und ausbauen, In: Konferenzunterlagen zum RKW-Fachforum 2011 „Innovation und Unte r n ehmens führ ung in I ndu s t r i e ll en Mittelstandsbetrieben“ am18.11 2011 inOsnabrück, 35 Folien.

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