UdZ 1-2012

28 Unternehmen der Zukunft 1/2012 UdZ Produktionsmanagement both using the technology and exemplifying the soft benefits. 3. Technology transformation needs to be bottom-up: CIOs shouldn’t dictate how technologies are to be used. It is more helpful to let usage patterns emerge orga- nically from users. 4. Incentives for egos and needs, not just for wallets: Social media users want to Figure 5: Process and ICT profile mismatches gain friends, followers, connections. Well communicated incentives are the key to collaborative knowledge workspace. 5. Risk balance: the top-down and self-ma- nagement: Derive a collaborative formation of policy before fixing and enforcing. A well thought-out and timely publishing policy is necessary. Ali Imtiaz MBA, MSc (li.) FIR, Bereich Informationsmanagement Fachgruppe Informationslogistik Tel.: +49 241 47705-511 E-Mail: Ali.Imtiaz@fir.rwth-aachen.de Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Günther Schuh (mi.) Direktor des FIR e. V. an der RWTH Aachen Tel.: +49 241 47705-103 E-Mail: Guenther.Schuh@fir.rwth-aachen.de Prof. Dr.-Ing. Volker Stich (re.) Geschäftsführer des FIR e. V. an der RWTH Aachen Tel.: +49 241 47705-100 E-Mail: Volker.Stich@fir.rwth-aachen.de

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