UdZ 1-2012

27 Unternehmen der Zukunft 1/2012 Figure 3: Organizational ICT profile people involved. Here, the process level scope is defined, on one hand, as single isolated process or group of processes, on the other hand, as pro- cess within one department, one organization, or distributed over networks. In case of multiple processes, each process is evaluated indepen- dently and the outcome of each is aggregated to generate the overall result. This stipulation of process data sets a relevant frame for the analysis of collaboration and the involved knowledge in the processes. In the second step, the process level factors identi- fied in the evaluation model are mapped to the two process segments of knowledge and collaboration. In the third step, the case’s ICT application infrastructure is mapped to the collaborative technology’s functionalities. Based on both process and ICT mapping, evaluation is conducted to assess the impact of collaborative technology’s functionalities to support know- ledge intensive process. The tool allows a rather uncomplicated and struc- tured construction of templates that permit an inclusion of case data. The results are supported by hierarchical graphical illustrations to allow different detail levels of analysis. First observations and typical mismatch The tool bas ed approach was applied in four industrial domains, Automotive, Consulting, Manufacturing and Logistics, and Telecommunication. Minimummismatch of 10% exploitable potential is observed for formal part of the processes; more than 30 % for semi-formal activities and for informal activities more than 40 %. The aggregated illustrations in figure 5 (page 28), are based on projected manufactu- ring industry case, show the mismatch between three process profiles and their mapped ICT. One common observation in every case is that, that the ICT is a limiting factor. Management level recommendations As an added outcome of the preceding, there are some management level recommenda- tions that determine the successful adoption of the collaborative technologies within an organization: 1. All gets used within the flow: Collaborative technologies should be included as part of workflows. Otherwise, they won’t be consi- dered at all. Gradual introduction and careful placement is of critical importance. 2. Cultural transformation needs to be top- down: Executives need to be role models in Figure 4: FSI Tool overview

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