UdZ 1-2012

26 Unternehmen der Zukunft 1/2012 UdZ Produktionsmanagement • Semi-formal tasks are not limited to orga- nizational boundaries but to the required knowledge nodes forming knowledge workspace. • Semi-formal tasks are characterised by the fact that they are driven by ICT based recom- mendations rather than a strict directions and manual based on templates and forms. • During planning or pre-execution of Semi-formal tasks recordable patterns are generated that can be captured by the ICT application suites in the form of recommen- dations. • Reoccurrence patterns of a Semi-formal tasks schemas evolve that may provide guideline to other similar tasks. These sche- mas are generated based on execution steps and collaboration among resources. The Semi-formal process segment extends the classic business process classification from two to three; formal, semi-formal and informal. Thus, this extended categorization is termed as FSI classification framework. ICT categorization The aim of a typical management is to formalize as many processes from informal to formal by introducing standards. Therefore, the IT tools introduced into the workflow are based on re- quirements that have the capability to support only the formal tasks, good example are classic Off-the-Shelf ERP and CRM tools. Usually, the informal process and task support is completely neglected within the workflow descriptions and consequently for the IT tools. In an environment, where the processes are diverse and changing, the ICT has to be more adaptive. The focus of semi-formal tool suites is human centric and the modelling of semi-formal task is done with the help of tools made for such flexible work. During the last couple of years Figure 1 and 2: Introducing semi-formal segment within organizational process spectrum the concept of social web and mash-ups has led to adaptable collaborative applications also at enterprise level. These Human centric tools or collaborative technologies emphasize the importance and representation of knowledge within organization. Figure 3 (page 27) presents a snapshot of the ICT categorization. FSI approach and tool The FSI approach and tool is divided into four main steps: 1 . Generate case profile and scope 2. Map the case’s assets and processes to the factors of knowledge intensive processes 3. Map the organizational software applica- tions to the functionalities of collaborative technologies 4. Aggregate the process and ICT profiles to the configuration types for evaluation The evaluation approach initiates by acquiring company data, evaluation data and process data. The company data includes basic information, such as industrial sector, location and contact information. The evaluation data stipulates the goals of the analysis. The process data specifies information about the respective process, such as type and name, and also, the number of

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